There can be a sense of moving into 'God time' with Holy Week worship. I played a small, simple part in the music of these worship events, and these past few days of Holy Week have been filled with worship, or practice of the music for worship, or writing about it in these entries. And I want to be present, here, worshipping with this congregation and contributing what I can.
It is easy to gain a new appreciation for all the ministry and work that pastors, worship leaders and music ministers perform in the planning and preparation of these services.
Easter Vigil is an incredible service. It was not a worship that was part of my Lutheran upbringing and, the way it is celebrated at Creator, would not have been successful as worship at that time. After this year's Cross Walk we were in conversation with several pastors who led congregations that do not observe this Saturday worship. I know this would be hard service for me to miss now.
The reasons why are numerous. Creator Easter Vigil is much less formal than Sunday's Easter service. I did not know what to expect when I attended this service for the first time after I became a member of Creator. I described this in my blog entry for Easter Vigil last year. The congregation's love of laughter, acting and improvising stories is satisfied in this service. There is an exuberance and play at work that is hard to define. The tagline in a Creator flyer is that this service is a time we share stories and remember God will not abandon us. The exuberance, play, laughter and improvisation while we tell the stories is a strong testament that God will not abandon us.
This year, like last, Pastor Dayle first reads the Genesis story to the children from a children's book with great illustrations and a fun text. The children always enjoy and participate in the reading.
Easter Vigil is an incredible service. It was not a worship that was part of my Lutheran upbringing and, the way it is celebrated at Creator, would not have been successful as worship at that time. After this year's Cross Walk we were in conversation with several pastors who led congregations that do not observe this Saturday worship. I know this would be hard service for me to miss now.
The reasons why are numerous. Creator Easter Vigil is much less formal than Sunday's Easter service. I did not know what to expect when I attended this service for the first time after I became a member of Creator. I described this in my blog entry for Easter Vigil last year. The congregation's love of laughter, acting and improvising stories is satisfied in this service. There is an exuberance and play at work that is hard to define. The tagline in a Creator flyer is that this service is a time we share stories and remember God will not abandon us. The exuberance, play, laughter and improvisation while we tell the stories is a strong testament that God will not abandon us.
This year, like last, Pastor Dayle first reads the Genesis story to the children from a children's book with great illustrations and a fun text. The children always enjoy and participate in the reading.
Next was the Story of the Flood. This year Larry was chosen to play Noah who needed to build an ark "as long as a football field and as high as a cell phone tower". The Lord provided him an "ark-itect" to accomplish this. Different people were chosen to become the core stock of animals who will ride on the ark. Larry made accomplished choices; Michelle, who is wearing a stripped shirt, was chosen as a zebra. The performances and quips from the congregation need to be experienced rather than recorded.
The Story of Moses and the Parting of the Red Sea was also acted out. It became humorous just trying to get the space to work for the drowning of Pharoah and his army (Luke and all the children and youth). Paul played the part of Moses and everyone enjoyed the improptu silliness of all that transpired.
After the stories there was Jake's Baptism, Affirmations of Baptism for Ariel, Andrew and Jake and a Reception of New Members; Brian, Alisa, Noah, Craig, Marvis, Chuck, Joanna, Sue and Larry. As the Baptisms, Affirmations and the welcome of new members took place we were reminded of the support and help we have pledged to give one another.
The transformation of the worship space, as is tradition now, happened as Kelly sang his song Out of the Darkness. All the black drapes were removed, revealing a banner that reads "Alleluia Jesus Lives". Flowers came out, everything returned to the altar and a white cloth was draped on the cross.
We proceeded to the Eucharist and this year there was a surprise that could only happen during Easter Vigil. Linda provided bread shaped like a bunny. As this bread is broken and distributed, the joy of the service spills out again to the congregation. Then Annie, Vaune and Kim harmonized during communion. They performed Robert Dufford's Behold the Lamb of God. These women have sung together for years and as their voices blended and soared everyone was thankful for the music they give to Creator. Their performances are always a special treat.
Kelly was on piano and David on drums and I played guitar on the last song Hallelujah! We Sing Your Praises. The performance rolled with a new energy and set our anticipation for the morning Easter services.
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