Creator Lutheran Church

Thursday, April 05, 2007

April 4th, 2007 - Choir Practice

I arrive early to update the bulletin board for Hunger Awareness and I hear the Creator string section praticing first the Hallelujah Chorus, then Thine is the Glory. Already the knowledge, discipline, precision and art is apparent in the music. My spirit is levitated by this rehearsal before the choir has arrived.

Tonight the choir practices with all the instrumental accompaniment. With piano throughout we move first to the strings on the pieces just mentioned, then the viola and to the flute for the other pieces that are part of Holy Week services. Each instrument creates a mood, there is a brilliance and intensity in this practice alone that is moving the choir.

What is reinforced mostly for me tonight is the sense of community and church. Ruth is helpful tonight in pointing me to the bulletins for the upcoming services. Debi recommends a book to me by Brian McLaren, A New Kind of Christian. Greg gives an update of the work his family, mostly his son, is doing on the new Creator website. Joel and Al are in a playful mood, joking and talking about the best place to get Easter ham. Everyone is sharing conversation and humor. Kelly leads all the friendly enthusiasm being generated at this rehearsal.

We close with prayer that focuses our attention on the services ahead this week.


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