Daylight Savings Time changes the atmosphere of Creator Wednesday Lent services completely. In An Actor Prepares author Stanislavski talks about the importance of lighting and how inclusive everything and everyone can feel within a circle of light. The evening services where darkness has fallen around the congregation makes me think of Stanislavski’s words. It concentrates one’s focus and you feel a part of it all in a very special way. Today I see the opposite.
The evening starts with another Lent dinner of soup and bread. This dinner is another foretaste of the feast to come. There is a relaxed table fellowship where the silliness or the routine stories of everyday life are shared perhaps more than the sacred. Accepting that is a part of learning to be a part of these meals.
The silences in worship are powerful in different ways than in past weeks. Today I feel my individuality rather than feeling a part of the congregation. Mary comes to worship and I feel her presence throughout reminding me of talks we have been having about prayer, worship and the church recently. I am constantly grateful that Mary and I have never disagreed on the spiritual importance of what we have experienced in our lives.
David Lee’s Kyrie is the musical highlight of the service for me.
Lastly, we have choir practice. Kelly announces the choir is performing God Is Our Refuge and Strength on Sunday. It immediately focuses the group. We practice the piece and cover the material until we feel comfortable with what we will perform. David plays piano and that frees Kelly to direct the vocals. We have practiced this before and there is a “choral memory” that helps us out immensely. Undoubtedly Handel’s Hallelujah will work for us in the same way.
The other piece we practice tonight is Now, O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? There is strength to this music that was present tonight.
I am looking forward to all our future performances.
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