Creator Lutheran Church

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

February 7th, 2007

Matt Weiers, our music minister, is leaving.

Yesterday's email from Pastor Dayle:

Creator members:

I'm writing to inform you that after prayerful, diligent work together, the executive council has accepted the resignation of Matt Weiers.

As a community we have appreciated Matt's service and talent. He has been an asset to our ministry together at Creator. Matt has a passion for social justice and led the Hunger Awareness team on a field trip to Dignity Village last year. He also took a group of singers to Emmanuel Hospital and helped coordinate the Zoo animals last year. We're grateful for Matt's service to our faith community.

Matt's last Sunday will be on February 25th. I hope you will be at church that Sunday to celebrate Matt's ministry and to say farewell and godspeed. Matt will now focus on his original music and move forward in his career as a musician and artist.

blessings and peace,

Pr. Dayle

As Pastor Dayle wrote, Matt's work as music minister at Creator is significant. I participated in the hospital singing and Dignity Village experiences. Both stick in my memory as events where you could tell you were making a difference while they were happening.

My past blog entries reflect my thoughts and feelings about the worship music Matt led each Sunday. What I will remember during this transition and after he leaves is how, in his performance both in worship and at his concerts, his way is to focus attention on the music rather than on himself as musician.

Matt's music is amazing. He is a talented and versatile musician which will serve him well as he embarks on his new endeavours.


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