Our Lenten journey began with some farewells. This was Matt's last Sunday as Music Minister and Stephanie left for a Peace Corps assignment in Uganda.
Pastor Dayle preached about the wilderness that will be in each of our spiritual lives, the times when God appears to us to be the prodigal father (my words, not Pastor's).
Pastor Dayle spoke of the times we are led into the wilderness:
I think that when we follow our call, we are led by the Spirit into the wilderness… not as a test or a trial but as a way of finding out who we are… as a way of learning our soul… finding our strength… knowing our center.
Not as test or trial. Important thought and one I will take to heart in my time in the wilderness.
During Adult Education we talked about the selection of a Bishop at the Synod Assembly, the qualities a Bishop should have to be successful and submitted names of those who might make the list for consideration.
Using the sending hymn What a Fellowship, What a Joy Divine for the last service Matt began vamping. It was such a joy to be making music at that particular moment it is hard to describe but is a strong memory I know I will keep of Matt.