Creator Lutheran Church

Sunday, November 16, 2008

November 16th, 2008 - Pay Attention - The End is Near

Pastor Dayle was on a WELCA retreat, she arrived after worship and the Congregational conversation for today's choir minkistry. Father Al presided today.

He noted that Creator Praise was more worship than music this Sunday and that we would continue worship rather than start it.

The musis continued to be energtic. The Hymn of Praise was particularly strong full of celebration.

Father Al started his sermon by having us think about a sign with God is Coming printed on one side and The End is Near printed on the other. This mental sign was to mark that this Sunday is the end of Ordinary Time, the green "Sunday after Pentecost" Sundays. Next Sunday is Christ the King Sunday, the end of the churh year.

From there the sermon moved to how uncomfortable we, as Americans at this time and in this place are with Gospels like we have had the past two Sundays. Last Sunday was the Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids; this Sunday the Parable of the Talents. Father Al talked about how we have domesticated God. We do not have a God that “shatters” history. Our God gives comfort and care rather than challenge. And yet the church needs to remember all of its history.

There are words that have gone stale. These are parables that teach us to pay attention to who we are and who God is. We need to pay attention to what we are doing today.

Paying attention. Why is that more difficult than it seems? The father in front of me was having his son follow his finger for the hymns and the words that were in the bulletin. A very beautiful moment about focusing attention.

There was a Congregational Conversation and a choir trip to Princeton Village this Sunday as well.


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