September 29th, 2008
There was a palpable anticipation among us that Father Al gave a voice to in his sermon. Pastor Dayle returns next week from Sabbatical.
Father Al recognized the work of the staff, Toni and David and saluted Susan for guiding and maintaining the wisdom and grace of Creator over the summer. He talked about Reconciling in Christ, Day Camp and having Holy Family Episcopal now worshipping with us.
He named many services and efforts the congregation, through their involvement, have kept strong through the summer or planned, like Sunday School. He mentioned Hunger Awareness, Back Pack Buddies, Spiritworks, WELCA and alluded to the fact there were many more efforts the congregation was involved in.
Then he expressed what many in the congregation feel, the joy of having Pastor Dayle coming back. He pointed to the paper cranes strung down in rows in front of the sanctuary. “You know if Pastor Dayle had been here we would not have worshipped with these all summer.” he remarked, “There are many things that have been left undone that she would and will likely do.”
He used Philippians, the Second Lesson, to preach his point.
Father Al recognized the work of the staff, Toni and David and saluted Susan for guiding and maintaining the wisdom and grace of Creator over the summer. He talked about Reconciling in Christ, Day Camp and having Holy Family Episcopal now worshipping with us.
He named many services and efforts the congregation, through their involvement, have kept strong through the summer or planned, like Sunday School. He mentioned Hunger Awareness, Back Pack Buddies, Spiritworks, WELCA and alluded to the fact there were many more efforts the congregation was involved in.
Then he expressed what many in the congregation feel, the joy of having Pastor Dayle coming back. He pointed to the paper cranes strung down in rows in front of the sanctuary. “You know if Pastor Dayle had been here we would not have worshipped with these all summer.” he remarked, “There are many things that have been left undone that she would and will likely do.”
He used Philippians, the Second Lesson, to preach his point.
If then there is any encouragement in Christ, any consolation from love, any sharing in the Spirit, any compassion and sympathy, make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness.
This Philippians text was perfect in preparing for next week - Make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being of full accord and of one mind. This is what we will have the pleasure of doing as the congregation and Pastor Dayle share Sabbatical stories as she returns.
Paul read the First Reading and the Psalm, which was David’s I Lift Up My Soul, continued what I would call the quiet earnestness of the reading. It was an earnestness that was quite moving.
This Philippians text was perfect in preparing for next week - Make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being of full accord and of one mind. This is what we will have the pleasure of doing as the congregation and Pastor Dayle share Sabbatical stories as she returns.
Paul read the First Reading and the Psalm, which was David’s I Lift Up My Soul, continued what I would call the quiet earnestness of the reading. It was an earnestness that was quite moving.
Also, the Creator Choir gave a performance of Wide Open Are Your Hands. The choir knew this song and had performed it before but I was amazed how much Kelly was able to pull the music and voices together having only our first rehearsal under our belt. We also were fewer in numbers but there was a simplicity that made it powerful.
The Adult Forum was a Reconciling in Christ discussion about the survey with another question and answer period. Some felt we were simply restating information to the same people but there are always a few new faces and people who want to know more.
When asked about the moments in the discernment process that touched people deeply Bishop Dave's Bible study was brought up as one of the powerful moments. Another was the RIC team truly being involved in congregational discernment rather than trying to take the congregation through a process where RIC designation was inevitable.
We went over the upcoming themes for the months until the January vote. For the most part the participants felt comfortable with future plans.
There is a unique strength I feel that is in this congregation at times and I did feel it throughout this Sunday.
The Adult Forum was a Reconciling in Christ discussion about the survey with another question and answer period. Some felt we were simply restating information to the same people but there are always a few new faces and people who want to know more.
When asked about the moments in the discernment process that touched people deeply Bishop Dave's Bible study was brought up as one of the powerful moments. Another was the RIC team truly being involved in congregational discernment rather than trying to take the congregation through a process where RIC designation was inevitable.
We went over the upcoming themes for the months until the January vote. For the most part the participants felt comfortable with future plans.
There is a unique strength I feel that is in this congregation at times and I did feel it throughout this Sunday.
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