Creator Lutheran Church

Sunday, July 20, 2008

July 20th, 2008 – Grace Happens

Lisa asked the children during Children’s time what they pray for. This was to prepare them and the congregation for getting back into allowing time for people to speak or inwardly think about individual prayer intercessions during the Prayers of the People.

There was a focus on Grace Happens during the service today. Rev. Mary Peterson presided this Sunday and she talked about how she would like this as a bumper sticker. We certainly felt it today. Phil announced to the congregation that his cancer was in complete remission.

David was on piano and Grant was on drums for several songs. David was excellent as usual and Grant's drum playing was fantastic. His muscial talent is very strong and it is easy to perform along with him. I played guitar and led singing with Kelly. Kelly performed a touching Beautiful Savior during offering. We followed the African American liturgy today and the additional musicians for much of the music gave the pieces a different energy today.

Today’s gospel was the parable of the wheat and tares (weeds). Rev. Mary preached on many ideas around the text; that the parables being mysteries that must be experienced rather than explained and that letting the wheat and weeds grow together allows us not to fret and judge what is wheat or not. It allows us to thank god that God judges.

Attendance is staying healthy over the summer. The one service allows early and late service goers time to get reacquainted. Fellowship this week was very animated and there were many great conversations that many people were engaged in as they caught up on what is going on in their lives.

There was also a meeting of the Finance Task force. I will be interested in hearing the ideas and suggestions that come from today’s meeting.


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