Creator Lutheran Church

Sunday, September 21, 2008

September 21st, 2008 - Online RIC Survey

We encourage all Creator members to fill out a survey in anticipation of January's vote on whether Creator should become an RIC congregation.

Please follow this link to take the Online RIC Survey:

Note: The survey tool we use limits survey responses to one per computer.

Friday, September 19, 2008

September 14th, 2008 – Breathing Forgiveness

Among the church activities Annie announced, she let the congregation know that Susan’s mother had passed away. Susan was there for the service and our thoughts and prayers were with her.

Perhaps that announcement affected all the service that followed. Worship takes many different forms and also the corporate mood of those involved in the worship on a particular Sunday. Forms are easier to identify than mood.

Today the form followed David’s liturgy, a setting Creator has used a number of times in the past. Yet the mood of the liturgy as performed today was unique, at least in the way I perceived the moment.

The Kyrie started differently. There was a quiet, pleading reverence that filled the room and was overwhelming. In the Glory to God there was emphasis on a humility that has never come across quite as strongly for me. Both pieces of music have been very effective before but in quite different ways. Of course this is my own experience. For others the liturgy may have felt the same as past services.

Pastor Mary presided today and her sermon focused on the Gospel lesson of forgiveness. In the Children’s Time she broke forgiveness down to two words for them for and give. During the sermon Pastor Mary talked about forgiveness as being like breathing in and out. She quoted a piece that Susan Kintner sent to Pastors on what forgiveness is and what it is not.

There was strength in these definitions, a realistic look that recognized the conflict in our lives and how we respond and how we can choose to respond.

After the Hymn of the Day and Prayers of the People there was a fun, interestingly strong moment when a ring tone that sounded like the Windows theme when a PC boots up, sounded over and over. Mary quipped “That’s God calling.” and after some appreciative laughter, Kelly responded by asking “Well, should we answer?”

After the sermon the service proceeded to Sharing of the Peace. This is always an exuberant time in Creator worship. Today conversation moved well beyond where it usually stops and the piece of music Kelly performed was hard to appreciate above the voices. An unusual moment for a congregation normally devoted to music.

Before communion Pastor Mary talked about “the smell of forgiveness” in the fresh bread and in the wine.

The Sending Song, Hallelujah! We Sing Your Praises, had an exultant ring that was an appropriate end for this service.

I looked forward to participating in the Congregational Conversation but the executive council meeting conflicted with that meeting after worship.

John agreed to be Vice President for Creator again this year. This was supported by council before but John was initially reluctant to take the office for another year. Susan made astute observations about the strengths John brought to the concerns of Creator as Vice President last year in the meeting and made similar comments about the strengths of the other executive council members that were quite impressive.

What is an ongoing concern for this congregation is Creator’s financial picture. The money coming in has not matched our expenses. In the past the church used money from the sale of property to the county to make up the difference and trusted that giving would increase when the church’s finances were communicated to the congregation. A lion’s share of the budget is fixed in mortgage, personnel and operating expenses. The council has felt these expenses are not discretionary. A Finance Task force has given the council recommendations on how to increase giving.

We will have challenges this year. This is a good group of people to work with to meet those challenges.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

August 31st, 2008 – Names and Relationships

Pastor Amanda Wilson presided over the service today. Her name may not be familiar to everyone who perhaps know her better as Creator’s former intern - Vicar Amanda. Pastor Al was the Assisting Minister for this service and Team Light was the volunteer Spiritworks team.

Pastor Al went through the announcements and took time to talk about the evening service last week with Holy Family. The impression it made on him was evident. He wanted the Creator community at large to be aware of what had happened as well.
The liturgy was from Call Us Home. Kelly and David lead and performed the music that captured a strong sense how the community was gathering together to praise God.

A few visitors from her current church, Ascension Lutheran, attended to see Amanda preach and to worship at church that Pastor Amanda refers to in her sermons on occasion.

As with Pastor Christian, there was a shared joy and the experience of picking up and continuing the journey for those who were at Creator when she was an intern here. She opened with how great it was to be back at Creator for this worship.

Her sermon was about what is in a name and, as it was linked to the Gospel reading, Pastor Amanda suggested the question of identity and mission were intertwined. She preached specifically on Matthew 16:23:

But he turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; for you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things.”

Amanda took a Sufism class and said she learned the concept of Satan to them revolved around ego. “Congregations have egos too” Amanda observed. She went on to talk about the delicate balance of ego in regards to mission. There must be enough ego to discern mission and trust that it can be done but not too much that God's purpose and presence is lost in the work.

She ended with the phrase “Shine that light”. When Amanda was here we talked frequently about not keeping the light within hidden under a bushel as we are tempted to do. She passed a long a strong love for liturgy I previously had not felt and opened a new understanding for me of the drama, mystery and beauty that Creator has continued to cultivate.

Another worship that felt special and important.