Creator Lutheran Church

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

June 22nd, 2008 – Baptism is Risky Business

Reverend Christian Jennert presided and preached during worship this morning. Like Bishop Dave last week, the Gospel reading Matthew 10:24-39 contained words from Jesus that many feel uncomfortable exploring; in particular verses 34 and 35:

Do not think I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a son against his father, and a daughter against her mother and a daughter-in law against her mother-in-law.

Like last week, a powerful, uncomfortable Gospel text led to an equally powerful sermon that strengthened and highlighted our understanding of what we are asked to do as followers of the Way.

Pastor Christian started his sermon saying baptism is risky business. He provided historical perspective by describing how Christians were viewed by outsiders in the first three centuries of the existence of the church as superstitious atheists because Christians refused to profess belief in Roman gods and were reportedly engaged in rituals involving the drinking of blood.

In contrast today Pastor Christian preached most of society feels that church is a fundamental part of creating good citizens. Are we living the gospel when we are living as good citizens?

Personally, I am beginning to see a shift. Christians are not viewed now as superstitious atheists but I know many of my friends who do not belong to a church become increasingly more distrustful of those who attend. They see church as being more at the fringe of society rather than the center of it and that faith in God can lead to religious intolerance. They seem to trust schools and education more to create good citizens.

Kelly led most of the music solo on piano today and the team he and Lisa lead were the volunteers for the service work. There was a wide variety of music, as usual in the service.

Kelly also led the Adult Forum after the service, an RIC event Naming Our Concerns and Fears, Honoring Our Traditions which named any concerns or fears the congregation had about becoming RIC.

To start with, we went around the circle describing our earliest church memories or first memories of Creator. Many were of church buildings, Christmas pageants or Easter clothes; sweet or funny memories for the most part.

The ground rule that no one would address or argue with anything that came up at the meeting was followed fairly well. There were complexities and nuances to how people felt. The written feedback helped propel the discussion to a deeper level as well. There was a range of opinions represented but this was Creator at its best when dealing with disagreement. Everyone who contributed was heard with respect.

The RIC team will take the feedback and work to strengthen the discernment process with what was learned.

Friday, June 20, 2008

June 15th, 2008 – Ripped to Shreds, Ready to Rumble!

Bishop Dave presided today and Gretchen was the Assisting Minister. My Spiritworks team, Team Light, served as the volunteers. Ripped to Shreds, Ready to Rumble was the attention-drawing title of the sermon in the bulletin. Bishop Dave did not make a direct reference to the title in the sermon itself but the title set a tone that the sermon matched in interesting ways.

Dave led an adult Bible Study after worship as well. Both study and service were centered on the Gospel reading in Matthew. As I planned out how to write about them here, the power of what was said and what needed to be taken to heart grew stronger.

The sermon centered on the instructions Jesus gave to his disciples that Bishop Dave summarized in the title of the Adult Forum as Traveling Lite (this was definitely a “light” Sunday) to take no gold, or silver or copper in your belts, no bag for you journey, or two tunics, or sandals, or a staff.

For the Children’s Time Dave emptied out coins on the floor and he instructed the children to pick up the pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters but not to take them outside the church but rather put them in the collection plate.

In the sermon he admitted the Jesus’ instructions in the text were tough to follow. There is a new reality there for us to embrace and but most of us in relative positions of privilege find Matthew Chapter 10 difficult because we don't want to change the status quo.

Who among us would take a trip or undertake the mission Jesus commands without money? It flies in the face of reason. Bishop Dave asked us to hold each other accountable to take risks and be unreasonable in this regard. Our present reality is in need of change.

A verse, Matthew 10:15 Truly I tell you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the Day of Judgment than for that town gave us a glimpse of what the July Bible Study will be about in part as Bishop Dave went into a deep dive on Sodom and Gomorrah in scripture. He cited the many places Sodom and Gomorrah is referenced in the Bible but the true sin of Sodom is described in Ezekiel 16:49

Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had arrogance, abundant food and careless ease, but she did not help the poor and needy.

This opened a few eyes. It moved the punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah from what is commonly thought of as God’s retribution for sexually licentious behavior to something far closer to a collective sin we can too easily rationalize in our society.

In the Adult Education Forum Bishop Dave asked about where we are “working from an edge” in our lives. By that he wanted us to identify a thought or issue we are currently wrestling that moves us forward in our spiritual life. This reading from Matthew went to the heart of a current “edge” for him. There were people who were working on simplifying their lives and /or trying to make purchases with the health of the planet in mind.

In the end, this Sunday was filled with challenge, complexity and taking hard looks at ourselves and how we contribute to a new reality. Christianity is not an easy road. Sometimes we are ripped to shreds and, at times, we are ready to rumble.

Friday, June 13, 2008

June 8th, 2008 – Leading, Following, Touching

Reverend Mary Peterson was the presiding minister today. She let the congregation know that she and Al are scheduled to preside somewhat regularly with visits from former vicars while Pastor Dayle is on sabbatical.

The service was well-attended. The congregation was in good voice. Team Joy handled the volunteer work well and there was a minimal amount of differences in the way worship was conducted. Lisa was the Assisting Minister and should be thanked for at least a piece of that.

Rev. Mary introduced herself to the children and congregation during the Children’s Time. She talked about celebration and community and complemented Creator for being able to celebrate and be in community with one another.

For her sermon, Rev Mary pointed out there was something in common with the tax collectors and sinners, the woman suffering from hemorrhages, and the girl who died. They were all unclean and Jesus touched them all.

One part of the gospel reading that impressed Rev. Mary was that Jesus and Matthew both followed and led one another. Matthew did what Jesus asked and followed Jesus and Jesus followed Matthew to dine.

Many ideas were brought into the sermon. One was something Rev. Mary quoted: Faith is the direction our feet take us when we know that we are loved. It is an interesting quote. Flipping it was interesting as well: Faith is the direction our feet take us when we don’t know that we are loved. There is a dynamic both ways.

As usual, I’m So Glad Jesus Lifted Me was particularly joyous in sending us out.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

June 1st, 2008 – Pastor Dayle’s Last Service before Sabbatical

This service was Pastor Dayle’s last before her sabbatical starting now and ending in October. It was also the first service with the volunteer positions filled through the new Spiritworks small group ministry.

Particularly in the readings there was a burst of enthusiasm / spirit with this new method of volunteering, particularly in the readings. For most of the work there were two volunteers and veterans teaching people new to work how it is done. This was an auspicious beginning for Spiritworks.

During announcements Sara and Craig gave us an update on synod assembly which happened over the weekend. They talked about the Book of Faith initiative and the material that was given out at the assembly reinforcing our habits to read the Bible more diligently.

During Children’s Time and later in the sermon Pr. Dayle stressed our call to mission and ministry. She gave out M&Ms as reminders of the two m’s that we as the church needs to keep in mind. She warned us that M&Ms won't keep and that we need to do something with our M&Ms.

This was the choir’s last service until October as well. The choir sang Worthy To Be Praised for the Psalmody, Ave Verum Corpus for Communion Distribution, and The Lord Bless You and Keep You for the Benediction. The choir circled encompassing Pastor Dayle and some members of the congregation and there were those who laid hands on her while the choir sang.

There was a Sending Song listed in the bulletin but the Sevenfold Amen that ends The Lord Bless You and Keep You definitely became a musical highlight. Pastor Dayle just smiled and said that was all the music that was needed.

The piece did complete the moment and it was the perfect way to say goodbye to Pastor Dayle until she returns.