This service was a gift. The passion, energy and talents of all the youth who took part was evident throughout the service. There were skits, a high and fragile rendition of He's Got the Whole World in His Hands that won everyone's heart together with a number of great pieces of music. The lessons were acted out and to excellent effect.
For the gospel (about pride and arrogance of the "long robed" religious leaders compared with the humility of the widow) the youth thought about who would be in long robes today thinking they were mighty. The youth chose to have a super theologian, a doctor in medical lab coat and a judge in a robe. They acted out the reasons each gave to sit "at the head of the table". They argued about who should be first until finally allowing the widow to take that place at the table based on her radical trust in God as reflected in her gift.
The youth led us in the prayer of the people. There was a wonderful violin, viola rendition of Beautiful Savior, which started in unison and then broke into an exquisite harmony. For communion Jacob soloed on the piano performing Hark the Glad Sound and the chorus came back in singing Go Light Your World featuring Luke with solo vocals at times and playing piano, an impressive performance by all.
They ended with a wonderful Every Move I Make. The dancing and singing was infectious and the whole congregation was keyed into their enthusiasm for the song.
I left thinking about the continuity of the church with each generation. The time, effort and the faith involved in putting all this together was infused in every part of the service and I and those around me seemed taken away with everything.
Great work and kudos to the youth.
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