November 4th, 2006 ELW Hymnal Workshop
We gathered at Milwaukie Lutheran Church. There were familiar faces of pastors and congregational members who regularly attend events like this in the Oregon Synod.
The ELCA is following the historical Lutheran pattern of introducing a new hymnal approximately every thirty years. The green hymnal (Lutheran Book of Worship) was introduced in 1978.
The process of planning for this new hymnal began over five years ago. During that time trial worship materials, entitled Renewing Worship were published in soft cover books for use in congregations. The intent was to have real congregations try the liturgies and possible new hymns to see which worked and which did not. Creator used the material so much of what we went over was familiar.
There are 10 settings and a variety of hymns that most of the 180 in attendance received enthusiastically. There were complaints but this is now only one resource most Lutheran churches attending have so it was mostly the additional hymns settings and additional sections (including Laments and all 150 Psalms) that captured attention and praise.
The workshop introduced and sampled the new settings. The strength of the voices as those gathered sight sang the material was amazing. We went through The Service of the Word and the Marty Haugen Setting Number Two stood out for me. The hymns were powerful, sometimes energetic and joyous, sometimes somber laments. The process seems to have worked for the ELW. I look forward to the time we incorporate more of the music into our worship.
Matt commented on Sunday that we had a great warm up for the Sunday service with this Saturday workshop. Pastor Dayle was impressed with many parts of the new hymnal as well and was figuring out how to make the best use of the pieces Matt, Nita, myself and she liked.
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