October 8th, 2006 Sunday Service
This Sunday was special in the blessing for the animals that was done after the last service. There were many animals that were there and there were animals blessed in absentia. There were a preponderance of dogs but there were quite a few other types on animals including a crab.
During the children’s sermon for both services Lisa brought in Molly, a cute puppy that the children really took to.
Right now Adult Education is focused on presentations based on material from the Lutheran Handbook. This week’s topic was the Lutheran Reformation. The talk was led by Kelly, who joked that indulgences were a problem where salvation unfortunately ended mixed up with a church capital fundraising project. We were given the opportunity to add to Martin Luther’s 95 theses. We were given 9.5 theses one was an open ended “Christians should be taught that….” and we needed to fill in the last half.
Everyone seems excited about Pastor Mark Beatty accepting Creator’s call. The installation needs to be coordinated with the synod and Mark’s family.
This was a Sunday that focused on relationships. The gospel was about divorce. The Pharisees are talking about what is lawful and, as Pastor Dayle put it, Jesus turns the talk to what is spiritual and good. Jesus protects the vulnerable in his answer.
There is so much to work through on the subject of divorce. There has been a profound cultural change about divorce in my life moving towards a general acceptance there will be failed marriages. It is often hard to know whether putting more effort into an unsatisfying relationship, no matter what it is, will turn it around. When do you declare this is "too much" or what the other person is giving is "never enough".
We live in a society where our expectations from life are huge. We search meaning, for the work God intends for us to do while many struggle simply to make a better life for themselves and their families.
There are pictures:
The sermon closed with the prayer attributed to St. Francis. It is a good prayer to help take this issue of expectations to God.
I wish we could collect food for the humane society for a month.
Anonymous, at 10:11 PM
I love this picture.
Anonymous, at 10:26 PM
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