As we came for the meeting we witnessed the results of a power switch for the air conditioner compressor failing. The water from the melted ice block that was created left ceiling damage and Erik had the cover off one of the florescent lights and was trying to dry everything inside and work to fix the problem.
This meeting was noteworthy for two reasons. We marked the year anniversary of our first meeting as a group and, for the first time, a youth representative attended the meeting.
Josh's presence helped. The San Antonio trip has energized the youth and we talked about the last year's Portland Plunge as well. This was an event where youth had a work day at the Oregon Food Bank, and worshipped at a church in Northeast Portland near some of the people they were helping. It was a powerful experience for them. He will take back to the youth some activities where we could use help.
We planned our table for the upcoming Ministries fair, a piece for the next newsletter and announced we would have three Adult Education Sunday hours set aside for any presentations or discussions we decide on as a group.
After working Matthew 6:3. "But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing" seems important. There are so many things that can be done the question of supporting one effort over another must almost become reflexive. If the question is asked what is the most worthy effort to support something quickly moves out of focus.
We talked about the Millenium Development Goals at the meeeting; the attempt to end world poverty and hunger which is a noble effort, one that was talked about in San Antonio. Part of our hearts prays for God to help us reach that goal.
There is something else, however, in my heart that sees this as a temptation to focus on an effort that should be (and probably is) as natural as breathing as long as we are not afraid. We saw it in the Hunger Awareness meal last year when people broke down boundaries we erected to share their food that night. We are dealing with bigger barriers and bigger fears; that's all. That moment at the meal meant alot to me at the time.
I have already talked about this too much, I will move this to prayer for a while.
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