Pastor Dayle sent out an email with a link to the blog. I want to welcome everyone reading this blog for the first time. Please note you can navigate to any recent entries by clicking on the titles displayed on the left hand side of the screen. Past entries are available in the archives.
Always feel free to make comments or email if you would like to make an independent entry in this blog.
It is clear to me, particularly since beginning this writing; we have more than our individual faith stories to consider. We have a group story as well; and we are carried by and carry one another in our worship, in our mission, and in our lives.
This group story is harder to see as we live it day by day. It takes reflection and prayer. This writing, for me, is part of that reflection. Up until now one of the biggest restrictions of this blog was that it was limited to a single point of view and my participation in the recorded activities. Hopefully, this is an opportunity for that point of view to expand.
To everyone who recognizes Creator touches an essential part of their lives, I trust that past or future entries will capture a few of the reasons why.
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