November 15th, 2007 – Council Meeting
Being on council does offer additional opportunities to gain deeper insights into the congregation. This is certainly true from the everyday operational business but also in our church’s present and future aspirations.
For operational business we discussed about pledges and Stewardship, the Treasurer’s report, Worship and Music, Education, Youth and Outreach. We made decisions about specific items like copiers to broader concerns like establishing the endowment fund. Some initial ideas around Pastor Dayle’s upcoming sabbatical this year were mentioned.
Jacob Nolte came before council to talk about a concert he is hosting on December 9th at 7:00 pm in the auditorium at Clackamas High School in memory of Bethany. The benefit is for the Adolescent and Young Adult Clinic at the Cancer Institute at OHSU. Many Creator musicians will be participating and council voted to support the benefit as well.
There was another concern regarding Creator’s ministry that came out in this meeting and the next steps Creator might want to take as a church. Council members spoke from their hearts and their passion was evident. Kelly spoke eloquently about the difference he saw in the Christian community established in the families who are recently in the process of becoming ‘empty nesters’ and those older members who have established friendships with other members that extend beyond planned church activities.
The desire to move to a deeper level of meaning for Creator and the individual congregational members was evident. A council retreat in January may give us the needed time to address this outside the demand for the operational business decisions which always have an urgency that cannot be ignored.
Susan talked about Teresa’s recent decision to resign from council. Teresa's hope is that Education will continue to have a strong voice within the council. Teresa’s work in Education for Creator has impressed all of us and her participation as a member of council will be missed.
Finally, Justin announced he and Carrie are expecting a baby. There was a round of congratulations and we closed, as we opened, with prayer.
Labels: Bethany Memorial, Council, Justin, Kelly, Teresa
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