The main topic of the book discussion tonight was the new book. Each of us proposed books. I offered The First Christmas: What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus's Birth by Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan. We decided not to start until January so it would not be as timely as I planned.
Gretchen suggested Practicing Our Faith by Dorothy Bass but as we discussed our choice we thought it might make sense to alternate between theological “study” books and novels so we choose the book that Debi proposed Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Relin. This will be a great opportunity. I have heard many good things about the book.
In choir we are deep in practice for Agnus Dei, our Christmas cantata. It is coming back to many of us quickly but there was some concern on how few Wednesdays we have until opening night, December 21st, is upon us.
As we practice I believe all of us feel the immediacy and power of this music. We also practiced Kelly's song All That I Have. After practice Kelly talked about some new ideas he had for the music in his liturgy.
We also found out at practice that Greg's grandmother passed away today. We prayed for Greg and his family in their time of grief.
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