Creator Lutheran Church

Saturday, December 16, 2006

December 13th, 2006

Turned around again with my on call schedule, I work nights and am off days. There was choir practice but I could not attend choir or the soup this Wednesday.

Mary and I did hear the John Nilson Concert for worship. He has a tradition of playing around Advent at Creator. For this performance John interspersed Christmas carols and hymns with his original songs.

Overall Nilson's performances sounded like majestic mediations, particularly his arrangements of O Holy Night and Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel. There was a beautiful, searching quality as well that quieted our thoughts and was in keeping with Advent.

As I listened my mind flashed back two years ago to the second Sunday in Advent. Pastor Dayle had flown back the night before from Minnesota after presiding over Dianne Sjobeck’s funeral after Dianne's long illness. Her loss was deeply felt by the congregation and I felt honored to have known her. Dianne was embraced by those who knew her both in Minnesota and Oregon. My heart ached but the music seemed to point to a deeper presence than the memories that had come to mind.

This was a concert and it was worship, a worship that led me beyond words and beyond the music itself. A deep experience of grace, mercy and love.


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