Decenber 10th, 2006 - Sunday Services
What do you do to prepare for Jesus? We are on our Advent journey again; to prepare for Jesus, the newborn, new hope of God made man on earth. Pr. Dayle asked this Sunday how we prepare.
To the children she answered the question by saying we should help those around us by contributing, for example to the OFB food drive, saving coins up to give to Habitat for Humanity and donating baby items for PACE.
In her sermon she talked about making straight the way for Jesus to come. She was comparing this to the construction on Sunnyside Road that we have all experienced when she preached:
For me, sometimes I feel like my whole life is a roadblock. Sometimes my head is so full of white noise and interference, I can’t hear the voice crying out… the voice crying out to me, “prepare the way, ready or not, here I come.”
Something in me understands this completely. I quoted it later in the Adult Education hour when talking about the call Jesus makes for us to care for one another. In researching the Hunger Awareness presentation this week we focused on the three gospel passages that quote Jesus "The poor will be with you always." We wanted to know how people read this passage. For me I began to think of proximity. My life is arranged so I am not close to the needy around us. Even with visits to Dignity Village there is a barrier, no sharing of trust because there is no relationship.
The Adult Ed went well. Many people shared their views who are normally more reticent about talking in groups. There were different views on how to help and energizing to know that we don't all need to help in the same way.
Finally, during both services Elizabeth Neketin sang Adonai. Liz has an extraordinary voice. I appreciated the choice of this piece. Her performance was pure, dramatic, both moving and a heartfelt plea.
These words rang within me:
One timid faithful knock
Resounds upon the Rock of Ages
One trembling heart and soul
Becomes a servant bold and courageous
Here was an answer to the questions I had about the needy during the Adult Ed hour. Perhaps the Hunger Awareness committee will provide what is needed, an opportunity to take my next steps.
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