July 9th, 2006 - Sunday Service
Donn presided over the service today and Susan gave an extended children's sermon. Donn was filling in for Pastor Dayle, who was in Spokane for a memorial service held there for her brother Doug. Donn opened the service with grace and humor saying that normally when Pastor Fred presides he talks about being the second string. Donn commented if this was the case he might be considered the waterboy. It is interesting how Lutherans with faith in the priesthood of all believers accomodate themselves to others who feel it takes more than a believer to preside over sacraments like the eucharist.
His opening comments set a beautiful tone for the service. He talked about individuals gathering together with different experiences of God to celebrate God together.
Susan gave an extended children’s sermon about prophets. She told a story and showed an example of how a prophet can work with God’s grace. The story was of a woman who took water from a well in two jars, one sound and one cracked. It would seem the cracked jar would not be serving a purpose but it was used to water flowers and plants along the roadway. The supposed defect served a greater purpose according to the story than could initially be seen.
The example Susan provided involved birdseed and three different kinds of containers. The birdseed, she explained, represented God’s grace. It was poured into a wine glass, a container with a spout and a funnel. She had other glasses representing God's people and, of course, it was easiest to fill those cups with the funnel which allowed the seed, God's grace, to pour into God's people.
Matt was not at the service but Janice, Craig and Kim volunteered to sing and that made the music powerful and special.
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