Nita, Mary and I arrived for the Mass Choir rehearsal at the Chiles Center at University of Portland about 9:30 this morning.
The space was still not yet complete in all details at that moment but there was a painting hung for the space that took our breath away. It was He Qi’s Supper at Emmaus.
Unlike the painting posted here, the primary colors were red. It was, coincidentally, in keeping with the color of the event. The images were evocative. An androgynous Christ figure is part of the table with the wine and fish that are offered to the others. The disciples are transformed as they partake of this food and become part of the table / Christ lines as well. This art hung above the altar and allowed a profound meditation on the event.
Creator members who know Pastor Dayle’s passion and style for providing meaningful and inviting worship space could see her hand many places in the planning and use of Chiles Center.
Kelly led the choir rehearsal of John Rutter's For The Beauty of the Earth. I ended up sitting and standing with separate groups of singers and felt a pride when so many marveled at Kelly’s talent for leading the choir. That is not to mention Luke and his sweet, stately piano accompaniment. It was a great joy to sing with their lead and so many other choir members.
Back to Pastor Dayle's contributions, she also created some banner streamers I feel will likely show up at Creator worship. Toni, Jim (not a Creator member), Sara and I waved them during the procession. They were dramatic and made “extravagant” use of the space.
Extravagance was a word that reoccurred in Bishop Mark Hanson’s sermon. He talked about the extravagance of God shown in the parable of the Sower, throwing seed everywhere and then working the good soil. He changed Bishop Dave to an evangelism marked by perseverance, defiance, patience and extravagance.
I pray for God to give you clarity, courage and humility to hear the Good News, to proclaim it and to lead...
Bishop Hanson spoke in high praise of the Northwest after quoting a sincere statement Bishop Dave sent him about why he had chosen the particular readings for this service. He talked about the environment and how Oregonians understand the natural beauty around them leads them to worship an that this comes from the same spiritual roots as native Americans.
I was impressed with our new Bishop's insights and words. I understood he had collaborated with as a poet with a painter on a work called Creation Cabal and after what Bishop Hanson quoted of his writing I wanted to read his poetry.
Most of the liturgical music was from the new ELW and a small ensemble, where Kelly played guitar, gave it a depth and beauty that collapsed the feeling of the huge room to one of initimate worship. Bishop Dave's daughter Clare sang lead on Taste and See and she gave yet another dimension to the worship with her beautiful, clear voice.
There were some 800 people who attended, with 150 ministers wearing white robes with red stoles. There were many Creator members in attendance.
At an event like this there is a deepening of relationship as well with those in the Synod who become familiar faces from Cluster and Synod events. The cookies, juice, and conversation outside afterwards relaxed many who were there and the blue skies and mild temperature on this last of day of summer just made it that much better.
A special day to celebrate.
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