Creator Lutheran Church

Thursday, August 23, 2007

August 22nd, 2007 - Is it possible to find New Balances at a G.I. Joe’s Tent Sale?

Healthy Habits Study #2 Balance
Host: The Strombergs
Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:4-27

The study started with each of us introducing ourselves and saying something about our reaction to the word “balance” at this moment.

There were many responses people gave that had us laughing. Greg paraphased a classic Steven Wright joke about balance: You know that feeling when you're leaning back in a chair, and then you lean back too far and start to fall and just at the last second you catch yourself? I feel like that all the time. Kelly was wearing New Balance athletic shoes and Sara talked about how long she had wanted to get New Balance athletic shoes but each time when she went to buy new shoes she was enchanted by another brand. Kelly was thankful for the G.I. Joe tent sale prices for the shoes.

We did all talk about balance in our own lives. Pastor Mark worked on the background and questions we discussed about the 1st Corinthians passage. In that introduction and the questions he moved our thoughts away from our personal lives and towards balance in our families, in church, in community, in country and in society.

The verses that were highlighted were the last two verses of the reading 1st Corinthians 12:26-27

If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.

Debi talked about how this reminded her of how she saw communities linking in El Salvador and Mexico which was much different from what she saw here.

There was agreement on how overwhelming it can be to deal with suffering. Paul went back to a sermon Mark gave about a multitude of starfish washed up on a beach dying out of the water. A boy trying to save individual starfish was asked why he bothered since most of the starfish would die and the number he saved really would not make a difference. “It makes a difference to the ones I am saving.” was the boy’s response.

Pastor Dayle talked about how we tend to isolate and insulate ourselves if we were not immediately affected by an issue.

Susan made a point about how we establish a new balance in our lives when we are thrown out of balance by life’s circumstances.

One question to be answered involved special gifts that women bring to the world and that men bring into the world. There seemed to be a lot of care not to make generalizations. We talked more about how men and women balance each other’s gifts at different times. There was mention of a book a couple of us had read called Men Are Like Waffles--Women Are Like Spaghetti.

To me it was fascinating how different this study was from the one hosted at Susan’s house in October last year on the same Bible verse. In that discussion we talked about our closest friends and those people who had major influences in our lives. It was about recognizing and honoring the gifts of others so it did tie back in with the honoring and rejoicing the gifts of others.

There was an education meeting afterwards. Next study will be on Purpose.


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