Creator Lutheran Church

Thursday, May 10, 2007

May 10th, 2007 - Council Meeting

Newness. That word was persistently in my thoughts throughout the meeting. Perhaps newness came from Sunday worship, and maybe it was because this was my first council meeting as a member, or both. I imagine for others this may not have been a particularly memorable meeting with the exception of the confirmation vote for Susan as President and Paul as Secretary.

With David and Joel gone and with Nita and Paul there, this Thursday evening felt different from last month's council meeting; although there were similarities as well. Everyone worked cooperatively together, just like last time. We moved through the agenda and there was still time to share jokes, stories and references.

One reference surprised me regarding the origins of the phrase "rule of thumb". I understand now it is claimed that the term originally referred to the maximum thickness of a stick with which it was permissible for a man to beat his wife.

Although the true origin of the phrase was most likely much earlier than this quoted pronouncement by a British judge, Sir Francis Buller, I will be using the phrase more judiciously going forward.

As the discussion and meeting moved forward I reflected on the importance of those around the table to what is special about Creator.

Larry has a keen wit. His enjoyment of life and joy regarding those around him is infectious. He also knows how and when to connect people to ministry at Creator. For me, the ministry I have undertaken at Creator are from his observations and invitations. Larry imagined me regularly playing guitar on Sundays and told me so. Next thing I knew I was doing it. Being part of council was by his invitation as well.

Teresa became a member when I did. Since then we have talked and worked together brainstorming ideas for Adult Education. I have come to know her deep spiritual drive and her strengths in organization and working with people.

Kelly is a man putting love and concern into action, making things better and having fun doing it.

I could go down the list but the blog entry would be overwhelming. I'll end this entry with a few impressions of Susan.

Susan has stood out for all her past work for Creator. She led the call committee for Pastor Mark and earned the respect and admiration of many at Creator during that process. She brings a carefulness and concern to all she does that engages people and lets them feel comfortable. She has a keen eye for the qualities other people bring to the table. During the Bible studies last year she spoke from the heart about every topic.

She voiced some concerns that she had as she prayed about taking on the position before we voted. She spoke eloquently and thoughtfully, as usual. Larry talked about how her words often brought a perspective beyond herself. At times she was able to be "a conduit for God's words" as he put it.

She "con do it" Pastor Dayle quipped and the vote for Susan as President was unanimous.

As we had opened, we closed in prayer and there was a high energy level after the meeting. Our congratulations and thanks go out to Susan and Paul.



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