Sing unto the Lord a new song.... lyric from Let Everything That Hath Breath performed by the choir at the morning's services.
And the one who was seated on the throne said "See, I am making all things new"... Revelation 21:5
I give you a new commandment, that you love one another... John 13:34
We performed David's liturgy today and introduced his new addition to it, the Alleluia. This composition definitely fits into the whole of David's liturgy with the same melodic feel. There is this element about "singing God's song" that Creator makes spiritually dynamic for me. The command, “Sing to the Lord,” runs through all of Scripture as part of the call to worship and glorify God. So music plays a part in the proper human response to God. It can, and often does, move beyond speech, silence, or action. It adds a dimension to the sacrament and the sacred.
It is amazing, and quite an honor, to attend a church where two musicians have written magnificent Lutheran liturgies, together with their other accomplishments and compositions. I constantly learn more about God through listening, sharing and performing this music. The choices made for worship music each week reflect the our relationship to God. It moves into the heart and remains an integral part of worship.
I couldn't get Let Everything That Hath Breath off my lips and breath this week. On Sunday the performance was a wonderful gospel shout. With David playing drums and Kelly's piano, the energy was in high gear. It was a perfect choir season closer. The choir will start up again in September.
Pastor Dayle preached about God making things new. She focused on how worship shapes community and what God is making new at Creator, in the ELCA and in the world. One area where she saw this making new was in the ELCA's effort to examine gay ordination again. Later, in Adult Education Pastor Dayle led a discussion about the three memorials going to the Oregon Synod assembly revolving around the decision of the Pastor Brad Schmeling Hearing Committee. This is part of a large effort to pass the memorials through as many synods as possible to reach the floor of the Churchwide Assembly, August 6–12, in Chicago.
People offered comments during that discussion, more for than against the memorials, but there was disagreement. We talked about this issue as one that is not going away. There were certainly concerns within the group about the division within the ELCA over this issue.
Today we also had our congregational meeting. We voted on raising Pastor Dayle's salary to synod guidelines and voted on two new council members, Gary (me) and Scott. There was congregational approval on both votes. There is, as in the past, more presentation and less discussion than is to be expected. It likely stems from a deep trust and faith the congregation has that Christ is with us and guiding us as a church.
This definitely felt like a Sunday with strong reminders that God is making things new.
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