March 22nd, 2008 - Easter Vigil - Stories, Baptism and First Easter Service
About 7:00 the congregation gathered around an open fire for the Service of Light. The paschal candle was lit and a procession formed and a beautiful, chanted verse cued us to enter the church with everyone carrying their lit candle. It felt formal, like a high ceremony as we processed in but the Service of Readings changed that quickly.
Here the continuity and community of Creator was celebrated as the stories of Creation, the Flood and the Exodus were told. They are made our own by participation, improvisational acting with anything that is at hand.
For Creation hand puppets were handed out. Larry played Noah and built an imaginary ark “as tall as Creator’s cell phone tower”. Hand puppets and the hammy acting of our congregation provided the rest of the entertainment as the story was told.
For Pharaoh’s chariot a folding chair storage cart was used. The youth were recruited to be the Egyptian army. There was a stick Susan used for Mose's staff and a roll of painter's blue plastic to roll out for the water and another story was acted out as it was told.
We also told our own Creator stories and memories. Will captured a moment by telling when he and Franya moved from Portland they weren’t sure about which church to attend until they attended Creator and were taken by the energy level and life of the congregation.
The Service of Baptism and Reception of New Members was joyous. We sang Borning Cry over the cry of Wyatt, who was being baptized. Again, spontaneous and wonderful. We welcomed the Maier family as new members.
Then, the Service of Easter Sacrament began. The lights came up, the banner in front was revealed, Kelly’s Out Of The Darkness propelled the transformation of the sanctuary. The beautiful moment to celebrate: Christ is risen!
All Creatures, Worship God Most High was sung with particular energy this year. This led to Kelly on piano and Geoff on viola leading the congregation to sing Lamb of God, I’ve Just Come for the Fountain, and finally Hallelujah, We Sing Your Praises.
And we experienced, just as we have in past years, the full arc of this triumvirate service of Holy Week. Three memorable services.
And we still have Easter morning service to come...
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