Bethany attended the Ash Wednesday service last year, as Pastor Dayle reminded us in her message this evening. And Pastor Dayle reminded us this is a night to “own” our mortality.
The service was, as usual, subdued. The Imposition of Ashes while Kyrie Eleison and From the Dust We Have Come was certainly the central moment of this worship. This year, it particularly reminded us of the shortness of human life. In the past I have felt that the ashes were symbolic of our need to repent and as a mark of penitence. Of course that is always true but this service seemed all about the ephermal quality of our lives.
The choir sang Out of the depths I cry to thee. There was a rising and a falling communicated in that piece that encapsulated the mood of the worship. Create In Me a Clean Heart, sung during the offering, rose with reverence and hope, Kelly’s Quiet Our Souls allowed us to sing a prayer that had a falling trajectory and still expressing our longing and trust in God.
After the service a special council meeting was called. There was one item on the agenda. Pastor Mark gave his resignation speech.
He cited as his reason that the pastoral team ministry was not a healthy, functioning team. The council was then briefed that the Executive Council had worked with Pastor Mark and Pastor Dayle on issues around team ministry and that they had accepted Pastor Mark’s resignation.
The letter of resignation he wrote to all of us has gone out to the congregation by mail. There seem to have been issues both Pastor Mark and Pastor Dayle could not work through. Mark brought up other concerns (he read his resignation letter), budget and juggling a half-time call but said in the end they would not have been problems had the team ministry been working.
Some council members were aware this was about to happen and others were taken by surprise. There was prayer and concern was expressed about the congregational reaction to the news.
There are many memories of Pastor Mark I am confident will stay with me and with Creator. His concern for the youth and the congrebation, and many pieces of his overall ministry here will not be forgotten.
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