July 22nd, 2007 - Eighth Sunday After Pentecost
In Creator Praise today we sang David’s One Day. Lyric and melody intertwine simply and create a powerful wish:
One day we’ll see a world that feeds all it’s hungry
One day we’ll comfort all who need our help
One day we’ll see a world where peace is the answer…
Pastor Mark’s sermon was also on peace. He preached on the Gospel story of Mary and Martha by focusing on how Jesus responded to Martha, saying she should not be worried or distracted. Pastor Mark commented that the word we find in Luke could be translated as "being pulled and tugged in all directions".
He noted we live in a Martha society. We live in an anxiety that is not in keeping with the blessing that propels us to ministry at the end of the service - Go in peace and serve the Lord.
In this morning’s service the baptism for Jackson Jeffrey Phillips-March was performed. Every baptism I have attended feels somewhat special in its own way. Today, just as Jackson was being baptized, a sunbeam broke through on the proceedings.
Pastor Mark remarked, after the service, how powerful it was to move from the relatively quiet Benediction he gave to the energetic This Little Light of Mine and his observation captured something essential about living worship. It is complex, it can move from bowed reverence to unrestrained dancing with the spirit at a moment’s notice.
One day we’ll see a world that feeds all it’s hungry
One day we’ll comfort all who need our help
One day we’ll see a world where peace is the answer…
Pastor Mark’s sermon was also on peace. He preached on the Gospel story of Mary and Martha by focusing on how Jesus responded to Martha, saying she should not be worried or distracted. Pastor Mark commented that the word we find in Luke could be translated as "being pulled and tugged in all directions".
He noted we live in a Martha society. We live in an anxiety that is not in keeping with the blessing that propels us to ministry at the end of the service - Go in peace and serve the Lord.
In this morning’s service the baptism for Jackson Jeffrey Phillips-March was performed. Every baptism I have attended feels somewhat special in its own way. Today, just as Jackson was being baptized, a sunbeam broke through on the proceedings.
Pastor Mark remarked, after the service, how powerful it was to move from the relatively quiet Benediction he gave to the energetic This Little Light of Mine and his observation captured something essential about living worship. It is complex, it can move from bowed reverence to unrestrained dancing with the spirit at a moment’s notice.
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