Creator Lutheran Church

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Second Sunday after Easter April 23, 2006

We performed Kelly Carlisle's liturgy today. It is word and music infused with strong faith. I hardly feel I can describe it in a way that can capture much of it's power but I will try.

The Kyrie invokes God, and Kelly's music is rich stating our work in worship and our plea to God to unite us in God's love. It is personal and communal as the minister sings first the call and then over the response of the congregation. It is deeply treasured by our congregation.

Then, without pause, the Gloria follows. The joy in this music cannot be contained and it feels like angels could be singing to everyone about the peace and glory of God. There is a forward momentum that propels us through to the end where there is a confident recognition of the Trinity and that God alone is the Holy One and the most high.

Deep into the liturgy, during The Great Thanksgiving, is the Sanctus. The music builds the prayer, the words punctuate the music. Then, after amens are sung to welcome each aspect of the Trinity, the music changes key and there is this warm affirmation:

Through Christ, with Christ, in Christ, in the unity of the spirit, All glory and honor is yours, O God, now and forever. Amen, amen.

Pastor Dayle talks about Sunday and worship as 'a spiritual battery charge for those who attend' for the rest of the week. This is music that does precisely that for me, together with the rest of the liturgy.

Also we perform Kelly's Jesus Lamb of God with the liturgy for the first time. Beautiful song and it is beautiful how Kelly's litury continues to grow and evolve.

The music composed for the liturgy is complete but the service ends with This Little Light of Mine. There is something alive and joyful in this sending song that speaks to Kelly's liturgy for me - a confidence about God being with us and that what Jesus has given us will stay. The closest comparison I can think of is a Bob Dylan song that he performed during his Christian period called Solid Rock. The chorus is:

Well, I'm hangin' on to a solid rock
Made before the foundation of the world
And I won't let go, and I can't let go, won't let go
And I can't let go, won't let go, and I can't let go no more.

There is a confidence and a will expressed in the I won't let go together with a trust in God that the I can't let go describes.

Kelly's liturgy captures and elicits this spirit and faith within me.


  • Kelly's music gives all the congregation peace and insight.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:43 PM  

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